WECC's online tools have been carefully designed to be efficient and easy to use. Participate in our activities or find and gather necessary information from our databases.

WECC Weekly Update

Bulk Electric System Notification & Exception Tool (BESnet)

The BESnet application is the official means of notifications to Regional Entities of newly identified inclusions and exclusions as a result of application of the Bulk Electric System definition.

Compliance Data Management System (webCDMS)

The online Compliance Data Management System (webCDMS) assists Registered Entities with the latest functionalities, maintenance, set up and frequently asked questions related to Compliance.

Committee Chair Resources

WECC accomplishes much through committees where participants bring their expertise, company perspective and willingness to help. As a Committee Chair you have the opportunity to interact with, learn from, and lead these dedicated team members. The information provided in this web site serves as a resource to help you lead meetings, work with WebEx to host on-line meetings, and meet all WECC requirements for notification, process, and format and produce professional results.

Enhanced File Transfer (EFT)

The EFT Server is a file upload tool for audits, spot checks and ad hoc requests. The main function is to exchange files between WECC and Registered Entities in conjunction with webCDMS.

Secure Workspace User Guide

Entity Registration and Certification

WECC Registration identifies and registers bulk power system users, owners and operators who are responsible for performing specified reliability functions to which requirements of mandatory NERC Reliability Standards are applicable.

Environmental and Cultural Data Viewer

These web mapping applications provide the ability to view and access the environmental/cultural risk classification Data Layers developed by WECC stakeholders as part of the Regional Transmission Expansion Planning project funded through a grant from the US Department of Energy. The Data Layers available through this application are intended for use in regional transmission expansion planning; siting level analyses for specific transmission projects, while they may employ some of the same data sets used here, will require other, project level data sets and consideration.

Note: These tools require Chrome or Firefox web browsers

BC Active Entities

Information is presented that contains active entities and the functions for which they are currently registered. This data is refreshed on a monthly basis.

Maps of the Western Interconnection

WECC Provides a number of maps to assist in visualizing interconnection paths and other data. You can find these maps here.

ERO Enterprise Program Alignment Process

The ERO Enterprise Program Alignment Process is intended to enhance efforts to identify, prioritize, and resolve alignment issues across the ERO Enterprise. This is a repeatable, transparent process that registered entities (or other relevant industry stakeholders) may use to report any perceived inconsistency in the approach, methods, or practices implemented and executed by the Regional Entities.

NERC Reliability Standards

The Standards Index is a filterable database inclusive of all NERC Standards, both current and retired.


Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) account holders can login to the tracking system to manage their individual renewable energy certificate (REC) portfolios.