
WECC membership is open to any person or entity that has an interest in the reliable operation of the Bulk Power System in the Western Interconnection. WECC membership is not a requirement for participation in the WECC Standards development process. WECC's membership is divided into five member classes, as described below:​

Class 1: Large Transmission Owners

Class 2: Small Transmission Owners

Class 3: Transmission Dependent Energy Service Providers

Class 4: End Users

Class 5: Representatives of State and Provincial Governments

Membership Page - Application for Membership

Membership Page - Application for Membership

Apply to become a WECC Member by completing this application and emailing it to If you have any questions regarding completing the WECC Membership application, contact Administrative Services at 877-937-9722.

Image removed.Application for WECC Membership​
Image removed.New Member Information Letter​​ ​

Membership Page - Member Representatives Designation

Membership Page - Member Representatives Designation

WECC Members can use this form to designate a new Member Representative or change their representatives for the Technical Committees (RAC, RRC, and JGC). Please note, only the Member Representative may make changes to a company's voting representatives. Please contact or call 877-937-9722 if the Member Representative is no longer with the company.

Image removed.Member Representatives Designation Form

Committee Members

Committee Member Committee Name Committee Member Organization Committee Member Role
Association for Better Content Aadland, Nick Black Hills Corporation Member
Board of Directors (BOD) Campbell, Richard WECC Board of Directors Vice Chair
Association for Better Content Bob uguio uhguwehd
Association for Better Content Doug uhuhuhoiu uyg uehf uwhgf ughw frr
Association for Better Content Buford Tree Bush
Association for Better Content Sue Car Monkey Tree Flap